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A person's face can express a moment, or the journey, of life.  A good portrait is perhaps a glimpse of the soul within that moment in life.  That glimpse is the goal I pursue with each portrait I attempt.  If that goal is achieved, we are allowed to part the curtain and gaze for an instance thru the window to the soul.  Many of the portraits were painted while in Italy.  I like to arrange the subject in a natural but unique pose…and then see if I can slide the curtain aside.


Painting and Drawings:

The majority of my paintings and drawings were done from live models or sketches.  I pretty much always have a sketch book with me.  I love to sketch scenes with everyday people in parks, in airports, taverns and streets…and then see what they turn into.  Sometimes I use photographs for orientation or to recall some detail of interest that I didn't have time to capture in my sketch.  But most of the time, I rely on sketches and arrange the light and tones in ways that I find appealing.  With live models, I sometimes choose to place them in imaginary environments that I feel are suitable for the psyche of the individual or to convey an idea beyond the muted air of the studio environment.

"Gustavo" …an erudite Brazilian model, who was, himself, an artist.

20"x24" Oil on Canvas

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